Smo Glass was established in 2013 Then became Smo Glass & Neon in 2021.
I began my career with glass in 2012 without any plan as to what I was going to do. I had an opportunity to get into glass and was bad enough for a while that I almost quit. I stuck with it and slowly expanded my skills to point where I could regularly sell work through different avenues. To make ends meet from not selling enough work, I did a lot of production glass for other companies as well as my own production. This resulted in a good decade blowing glass daily.
Around 2018 is when I began to learn and experiment with plasma art which led me to getting my foot in the door with neon. The more I learned about neon, the more I realized it would not only be a great skill set to add but possibly a better way to help make ends meet as well. I decided to pursue learning neon signs and spent several years learning and practicing neon signs. As my skills progressed with neon I was able to take on more jobs as well as make my own art work. Now that I have gotten this far I take a small responsibility for helping to keep both the history and future of neon alive.
I am now entering an exciting part of my career where I get to creatively do neon and blow glass. I am looking forward to this next chapter being in a position to push myself and create new original work.